Monday 5 November 2012

Impressions after introductory lesson

I am sore.

Shoulders. Lats. Forearms.


Class started off talking about what Ki in Ki Aikido is all about. We were shown how to find your one point, how this affects your posture. We discussed balance and why having proper balance and posture is important not only in Aikido, but in general day to day life.

Sensei also demonstrated Ki breathing techniques. While at this point in time I have no idea how to really perform it, we all attempted it. It is a skill you have to grow, over time, you become more adept to it and can perform the exhalation and inhalation phases over longer periods of time, until you cover the 22 second cycle of blood circulation in the body on the inhalation phase.

While the more senior students then carried on with some techniques we beginners (there were three of us - myself, my wife and another girl) we shown more examples of Ki like unbend-able arm as further demonstrations of Ki applications.

Then we did some sword drills using Bokken, basic forward downward cuts and footwork. As a result of that and my extrememly unfit state - I am sore.

But looking forward to my Monday night class. Sensei has decided to open the dojo for Monday nights as well as a purely beginners class, so he can focus on the absolute basics without boring the more advanced students to tears.

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